After a brief talk with Lee, I decided it was time to make my introduction to Beautiful Warfare. My name is Arthur and I've been painting miniatures since I was old enough to do so basically. The short version of my modelling career starts with working for Games Workshop (as most painter's careers usually do) where I picked up the foundation of skills I would use for all miniatures to come. From Games Workshop I moved on to entering local painting competitions, scoring a solid amount of prizes and medals from the Immortal Brush Painting Challenge in particular.
Most recently, in 2013, I took the trip down to Seattle for Privateer Press' Lock & Load gaming convention where my main goal was to enter and win a prize in the Formula P3 Grandmaster painting competition. And, amazingly, through the toughest competition I've ever faced, I managed to eke out 2 gold and 1 silver medals. One of those gold medals got me the best in show of its category: Best Group. A trophy and some prize money later I was in No Quarter Magazine for 2 of my entries as well as my (horrible) picture taken with the other winners!
The next biggest thing for the moment in my painting career is working for Drake and Action Games Miniatures. Mainly specifying in the Great Mystics faction, I've painted all of the Kaymayuk and Saan figures as well as the Timor dragon. I'm stoked at the chance to paint for a local up and coming figure company and have met some "big names" in the area in doing so.
As far as commissions go, I generally am interested in single miniatures that I can really work my magic on so to speak. I enjoy making monsters, generals, or other key pieces in an army look the best they can. If I were to describe my painting style I would say its crisp and clean tending to lean less toward the battle damaged and dirty look and more towards the polished and professional look (not that the former look doesn't have its place - just my preference!). Some techniques I frequently employ are the much controversial non metallic metal schemes (NMM) as well as using feathering and wet blending to achieve an almost imperceptible blend between colors.
I've collected a few samples of my work for the purpose of this introduction. Though some pictures may not be the most professional of photographs, I believe they show off what needs to be seen well enough.
Thanks for the read through and hopefully I will be working on some of your figures one day.
Warpwolf Stalker, gold medal winner at Lock & Load 2013, featured in No Quarter Magazine |
Druid Wilder, Silver medal winner at Lock & Load 2013 |
Manowar Drakhun, 1st place Large Figure at Immortal Brush 2012 |
An ongoing personal project - 1 Bretonnian Knight per month for my son! (currently at 6 completed) |
Khorne Daemon Prince, 1st place Large Sci-fi at Paintapalooza |
Molik Karn, Best in Show Group Entry at Lock & Load 2013 |
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