Beautiful Warfare Studios

Beautiful Warfare Studios

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Artist Self Introduction: Nick Melchin

Hi there!

I am a relatively recent addition to Beautiful Warfare and I feel a bit humbled to be in such great company. Arthur and Lee and Gord are truly great guys and top notch painters. For myself, I have been been collecting and painting models since I discovered an ad for Grenadier's Fantasy Warriors in a Dragon Magazine when I was about 11. I still have that game, with its ranks of single pose plastic dwarves and orcs. To this day I think that sculptor Nick Lund captured something of the essence of Dwarfitude (yes, that is a real word now because I said so) that few have since attained: their gravity and dourness. Those dour dwarfs hooked me, and the world of Warhammer and the halls of HeroQuest pulled me down. And I never really came up for air.

I love painting models, and I do a fine job (although I am very slow...and I hate painting units. I always devolve into painting single figures after the base colours are on... makes it hard to play anything larger than a skirmish game) but I'm going to tell you right now that my skills are not at the same level as these fellows. Where I specialize, however, is in making scenery. I've always loved little worlds, the kind that draw you all the way inside, but somehow I convinced myself at an early age that building lego, or working on the set of A Night Mare  Before Christmas, or building scenery for Games Workshop were not realistic career goals. And so I relegated model making and terrain building to a part time hobby and pursued other interests: I traveled, I planted some trees, I managed to get a masters degree in history and taught at a University, but my fingers never felt complete unless there were stuck together with glue. The dream endured. Now, after some soul searching and something of a career change I have found a way to play with glue and foam for a living.

I first met Lee while working for Action Games Miniatures in 2013, I had been brought on originally as their terrain maker and I have made all the scenery you see in their photography but as I had been working at a model and prop shop  previously Ben also asked me to step in to help with their mold making. Lee was painting the studio figures for Drake as I was mold maker we worked closely on a lot of the figures that have been produced so far. It was a great time and a super project to be a part of in those early days. Now I split my time between a model making company, Promodel Builders, and a prop company, The Little Big Workshop. The great thing about this kind of work is that I get to do everything from mold making and casting to carpentry, sculpting to soldiering, lasercutting to painting. we make anything and everything from landscapes to rubber weapons, dioramas to massing models and we will do it from scratch or use ready made stuff. So obviously a lot of what I've learned at work has carried over to my gaming and model hobby.

On the side, however, I still like to make scenery for miniature gaming and so Lee asked me to join Beautiful Warfare - I, of course, was thrilled! Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time, however, so can't normally take on large projects with tight timelines. But if you are content to wait a bit I would be stoked to make something rad for your battlefield! If you have a sculpt of a figure or a scenery piece or decoration or a weapon, I can make a mold of it and cast it for you in plastic. Or, if you want a scenic base, a centerpiece,  a display board, custom table or a sweet set of scenery themed to your army I am your friend.

So that is a lot by way of introduction, you are probably saying lets see some of your stuff! Ok, lets.

These two are of a set of swamp terrain I did a few years ago.You will notice as you look at most of my stuff that I use a lot of natural products - bark, branches, rocks etc. I find that the textures these bring to a piece add that extra poppy level of detail that really catches peoples eye. I use lots of layers and tones in my painting so that all that texture has lots to offer if you look closely, and then you can hide all sorts of cool little details in the nooks and crannies.

 This set illustrates one of my favourite trial and error discoveries: unfortunately after making a bunch of sweet forest stands using gnarly branches and cool twigs I realized that twigs are rather fragile and tend to break during the rough handling of gaming. However, by turning branches upside down and affixing the fragile branches to the base I didn't have to worry about fragile bits getting broken and I got some amazing mangrove like trees.

Here are a few pics of a Dungeon Bowl board that I made for my brother. He wanted it in a theme of a Japanese garden as he uses the Confrontation Uraken Goblins as his players and so I was happy to rise to the challenge and give these great figures a fun home turf to compete on. I even managed to visit the Nitobe garden at Univesity of BC to get some inspiration and get a sense of what I was trying to achieve and what styles I could draw upon, which was a huge treat.

We worked together on the design and decided to make all of the wall elements individually modular so that the maps could be infinitely variable. He allowed me full artistic freedom so I decided to play around and make the each tile section a different style of garden path layout and I made a number of the little wall sections into mini gardens which was a big treat, I really enjoyed doing the little details like the little planter boxes, fences and bamboo stands I think they add a lot of depth to the plainer hedge and stone wall sections.


More recently I built a display and gaming board for Drake, and if you went to Victoria's Gottacon you may have seen it as they were running demos on it there.

 These aren't the greatest photos, but they are all I have for the moment so they will have to do. I'll get some better ones off my other camera later and do a proper post solely dedicated to this build another time. As you can see this board is integrated into a frame box that folds up neatly and can safely carry the whole thing from site to site, or stow away in a closet. I really like building high quality scenery that can be stored easily and this is something I want to work more on in the future. I tinted a clear casting resin to get the water effect in the river sections, and I hand carved the stonework out of high density foam sheets for the temple platform. The rocks are driftwood and rocks for the most part.

 So that is probably enough for now, I'll leave you with a bit of a teaser of a new project I am working on. This one is along similar lines to the Dungeon Bowl and was designed for use in that setting but I think these could have more wide application for RPG gaming or skirmish games or even adventure board games. I kind of have a thing for mazes as you will discover, it is a recurring theme. However, where I had carved the walls out of foam for the DB board, in this case I made a number of molds of tile pieces and wall pieces and pillar pieces and cast them and assembled the walls using the plastic casts. In the picture on the right the different colours are simply because I did not always bother to tint the resin the same way for all my castings. You can see the painted versions below.

While these are still in a prototype phases since casting the walls in pieces and assembling them is too labour intensive to be lucrative, once I perfect my design I might make some one piece molds and cast these as a for sale product... so if this interests you let me know!

So thanks for reading this far, and I hope something interested you. I like making stuff, and if you like what I make maybe I'll make something for you! Oh ya, and as a reward for reading this far here is a WIP snapshot of the  most recent model I'm painting - a Confrontation Mid Nor dwarf. He is so much fun to paint, I love these evil little guys. I am pretty pleased with he skin tones I've managed to achieve. I have some highlighting left to do on the blade and the horns but other than that I think is close to being done.

Ok till next time, try not to glue your fingers together.



Monday, 28 April 2014

A well overdue update

Hey guys,

Lee here again after a rather busy hiatus from posting. 2013 saw the studio take flight from part-time commissions, to being a full-time single artist and growing to include more artists, higher levels of work and the beginnings of 'greatness' adopting the ongoing work to paint the Drake product line.

2014 is off to a great start, with the addition of Arthur to our lineup, the studio now paints 100% of the Drake product line and has a few new commissions to show off over the next few weeks, including some collaborations! Another element I'm now putting a big focus on is 'community', which is something that really attracted me to the hobby to begin with. This year I was able to head up Drake's efforts to be a part of the GottaCon event, and to join Kelly Kim in judging the painting contest. He has put up a post covering the Small figure category on his Blog Sable and Spray, which you can find in the followed blogs section. The coverage of he other categories should be up soon - if not already up(my bad on the delay).

There are a Lot of cool things I'd really like to talk about going on at Drake, but under NDA I can' really talk about upcoming releases - so just stay tuned. What I can talk about are releases that ARE out and painting we've done. So lets look at some recent work...

We recently did a bunch of blitz work for the product line, all a bit of a rush job really. In the end I did get a bit of an extension on the project and was able to get the 5 models done in 6 days, including cleanup, assembly & basing.

Action Games Miniatures Deadly whisperers Velocidron Rivercrest Unit Commander Mark of Glory
5 day speed-paint
I think with a bit more time for the project I could have done substantially better, especially with the deadly whisperers, but overall I'm quite happy with the result as they turned out in the photo shoot. he Velocidron is probably the model I'm happiest with, as you can see below, he didn't turn out too badly for a rush job.

velocidron Action Games Miniatures

Action Games Miniatures Rivercrest Unit Commander

The Rivercrest Unit Commander ended up with a lot of weak points, but I Like how he shield turned out, but maybe that's just because of a little victory over a few challenges getting my TMM to head in the right direction - lesson learned regarding certain grey paints. In the coming years I'd really like to revisit the sculpting on the cape. Our newer models have far more stylish fabric areas, I'd really like to see what Adam can do if he comes back to this model.

Action Games Miniatures Mark of Glory

Nothing super technical about this one, but I think I'm fairly happy with the result. I did have something in mind for the stonework, but there wasn't time for the layering and freehand involved so I went with something a bit more simple and effective. Maybe I'll do my own up when the model ships and post it back here as an update. I did forgo a bit of the TMM and left model more on the shiny side of things as it's meant to be crystallized chant energy(as are all the power marks).

And last and definitely least, the Deadly Whisperers, Princess Acadias personally trained assassins. you can see some of the newer cloth-work I was talking about previously in this post on the crouching pose.

Action Games Miniatures Deadly Whisperers

On a similar theme, I'd like to take just a second to throw out some pics of a personal project, which is actually an elective speed-paint, so to say. This is somehing I've been working on for about 4 hours in 20-30 minute bursts. It's part of my larger menoth collection, which will be entirely done up as rusty speed paints. It's not the most brillian work i've done for sure, but for less than a half-days work I think this WIP is a good starting point.

I really was hoping to complete the model in one sitting, but I have too many commissions on my plate, so I get a few minutes in on this each day before work.

Next up lets look at some actual Commission work, you know, the guuuuud stuff. Recently I had a chance to team-up with Arthur on a mini, another Kara Sloan conversion. The concept here being not only the standard re-posing request, but to expand upon that and give her a lot more of a sniper feel. We were aiming a bit more for dark and subdued aesthetic. I did the sculpting and Arthur did the painting - Kudos Arthur, sexy stuff!

So First-up here's the sculpt without the paint.

Ok, I know, I really have to stop taking shots for the blog with this crappy phone camera. Lets see how that looks with Arthurs point and shoot.

Alright, I'm not going to exhaust myself for material in one post, I'll leave it there for today. Gord should have some pics of a collaboration I did with him coming up fairly soon so there'll be more eye-candy to come. If he doesn't throw up something soon I'll get up shot of some of the things I should have done by the end of the week - along with some announcements regarding Drake stuff.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Artist Self Introduction: Arthur Nicholson

After a brief talk with Lee, I decided it was time to make my introduction to Beautiful Warfare.  My name is Arthur and I've been painting miniatures since I was old enough to do so basically.  The short version of my modelling career starts with working for Games Workshop (as most painter's careers usually do) where I picked up the foundation of skills I would use for all miniatures to come.  From Games Workshop I moved on to entering local painting competitions, scoring a solid amount of prizes and medals from the Immortal Brush Painting Challenge in particular.

Most recently, in 2013, I took the trip down to Seattle for Privateer Press' Lock & Load gaming convention where my main goal was to enter and win a prize in the Formula P3 Grandmaster painting competition.  And, amazingly, through the toughest competition I've ever faced, I managed to eke out 2 gold and 1 silver medals.  One of those gold medals got me the best in show of its category: Best Group.  A trophy and some prize money later I was in No Quarter Magazine for 2 of my entries as well as my (horrible) picture taken with the other winners!

The next biggest thing for the moment in  my painting career is working for Drake and Action Games Miniatures.  Mainly specifying in the Great Mystics faction, I've painted all of the Kaymayuk and Saan figures as well as the Timor dragon.  I'm stoked at the chance to paint for a local up and coming figure company and have met some "big names" in the area in doing so.

As far as commissions go, I generally am interested in single miniatures that I can really work my magic on so to speak.  I enjoy making monsters, generals, or other key pieces in an army look the best they can.  If I were to describe my painting style I would say its crisp and clean tending to lean less toward the battle damaged and dirty look and more towards the polished and professional look (not that the former look doesn't have its place - just my preference!).  Some techniques I frequently employ are the much controversial non metallic metal schemes (NMM) as well as using feathering and wet blending to achieve an almost imperceptible blend between colors.

I've collected a few samples of my work for the purpose of this introduction.  Though some pictures may not be the most professional of photographs, I believe they show off what needs to be seen well enough.

Thanks for the read through and hopefully I will be working on some of your figures one day.

Warpwolf Stalker, gold medal winner at Lock & Load 2013, featured in No Quarter Magazine

Druid Wilder, Silver medal winner at Lock & Load 2013

Manowar Drakhun, 1st place Large Figure at Immortal Brush 2012

An ongoing personal project - 1 Bretonnian Knight per month for my son! (currently at 6 completed)

Khorne Daemon Prince, 1st place Large Sci-fi at Paintapalooza

Molik Karn, Best in Show Group Entry at Lock & Load 2013